RSVP Meaning: Your Etiquette Questions Answered on Invitations

RSVP Meaning: Your Etiquette Questions Answered on Invitations

Celebrations abound in life! From birthdays to weddings, every event entails careful planning and the humble RSVP request. Whether extending invitations or responding to them, here are some practical insights to help you navigate the world of event etiquette.

What is RSVP?

For more than 70 years, we’ve been formally RSVPing to events, weddings, and social gatherings since its first recorded use in 1953. RSVP stands for the French phrase ‘répondez s’il vous plaît,’ translating to ‘respond please.’ Its official definition: ‘to respond to an invitation.

What are RSVPs for?

RSVPs serve the purpose of determining the number of attendees for an event, aiding in effective event planning. Knowing the anticipated turnout enables the host to allocate appropriate space, food, and budget to ensure the success of their gathering.

Different Types of RSVPs

Traditional RSVP

This involves responding to an invitation by mail or phone call, indicating whether you will attend the event.

Example: Please RSVP by returning the enclosed card or calling [Host’s Name] at [Phone Number] by [RSVP Deadline].

Online RSVP

With the rise of technology, many invitations now include a link or email address where guests can RSVP electronically through websites or apps. Some are already opting out for an engaging video invitations to make their party special.

Example: To RSVP for our event, please visit [Event Website] and click on the RSVP link. We look forward to seeing you there!

RSVP by Text

Some hosts may opt for a more informal approach, allowing guests to RSVP via text message, especially for casual events.

Example: Hey there! Are you able to make it to our party next Saturday? Just text back ‘Yes’ or ‘No’! Thanks!

RSVP with Meal Selection

For events where meals are served, hosts may request guests to RSVP with their meal preferences to accommodate dietary restrictions or preferences.

Example: Please RSVP by [RSVP Deadline] and indicate your meal preference: Chicken, Beef, or Vegetarian. Thank you!

Regrets Only RSVP

Instead of confirming attendance, guests are only required to respond if they cannot attend the event, simplifying the RSVP process.

Example: Please let us know only if you are unable to attend by [RSVP Deadline]. Otherwise, we’ll assume you’ll be joining us. Thank you!


This type of RSVP allows guests to RSVP without a definite commitment, providing the host with a general idea of attendance without requiring a firm response.

Example: We’d love to have you join us for our gathering! Please RSVP at your earliest convenience so we can plan accordingly. Thank you!

Tips on Handling RSVPs for your event

  1. Set a Clear RSVP Deadline: Specify a deadline by which guests should RSVP to provide you with enough time to make necessary arrangements.
  2. Provide Multiple RSVP Options: Offer various ways for guests to RSVP, such as by mail, phone, email, online form, or through a designated event website.
  3. Include RSVP Instructions: Clearly outline how guests should RSVP on the invitation, including any necessary information such as contact details or online links.
  4. Follow Up with Non-Responders: If some guests haven’t RSVPed by the deadline, consider following up with them to ensure you have an accurate headcount.
  5. Be Specific with Response Options: If applicable, include options for meal preferences or any other specific information you need from guests when they RSVP.
  6. Use Polite Reminders: Send polite reminders to guests who haven’t RSVPed close to the deadline, gently reminding them of the importance of their response for planning purposes.
  7. Plan for Potential Changes: Be prepared for last-minute changes in RSVPs and have a plan in place to accommodate unexpected guests or cancellations.
  8. Communicate Gratitude: Express gratitude to guests for taking the time to RSVP, whether they can attend or not. Acknowledge their response and enthusiasm for the event.
  9. Respect RSVP Responses: Respect the RSVP responses you receive and plan accordingly. Ensure that you have enough space, food, and other resources to accommodate the expected number of guests.

Final Words on RSVPs

In conclusion, RSVPs play a crucial role in event planning, ensuring that hosts can make necessary arrangements to accommodate their guests. By setting clear deadlines, providing multiple RSVP options, and expressing gratitude for responses, hosts can streamline the RSVP process and create memorable gatherings for all attendees. Remember, whether sending invitations or responding to them, each RSVP contributes to the success and enjoyment of the event. Let’s embrace the tradition of RSVP and continue to celebrate life’s special moments together.

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